SLA 3D Printing service in Perth, Western Australia.

3D Printing
Stereolithography (SLA) 3D printing uses powerful light to selectively cure liquid resin layer by layer into hardened plastic. This method allows many kinds of material to be used and delivers highly detailed and watertight components.
This service could be used early on in your industrial design process to get the feel of a product, produce moulds for liquid silicone injection or vacuum casting, and even create functional prototypes and fixtures.

Phrozen Sonic Mega 8K
An SLA 3D printer capable of both size and quality. It can produce models up to 33 x 18.5 x 40cm in volume, with fine details up to 43 µm in resolution.
A variety of resins can be used to suit your needs, from speedy standard resins for quick prototypes to functional resins with amazing texture quality that can emulate moulded or machined products.

Coming Soon
The Markforged X7, for industrial fibre reinforced 3D printing using Onyx ESD carbon fibre nylon material.
This will produce electrically safe enclosures and fixtures for electronic devices.